Saturday 15 January

I spent most of the evening playing Jumbline on the iPad. I'm a girl who knows how to party on a Saturday night.
Sunday 16 January

She wasn't entirely sure what to make of her new bath-time pal...
Monday 17 January

This was Daddy's idea :)
Tuesday 18 January

We went to the play barn this morning for Bethan's birthday. This is Joe; he's nearly 4 weeks old and he weighs about 6.5 lbs. Today was supposed to be his due date. I know everyone says it but it's hard to imagine that Daisy was this size not that long ago...
Wednesday 19 January

This huge pile of clothes is what Liz brought round for Daisy today. That girl is so spoiled :). Included in the pile were three swimsuits, so we're all set for Florida.
Thursday 20 January

Thursday mornings we go to Baby Sensory Group. Today it was all about different textures, and it turns out Daisy's favourite was the whisk...
Friday 21 January

Uncle Ryan bought Daisy these Converse (and another pair that look like Nemo) when she was newborn. She's very excited that she's big enough to fit into them now!
I spent most of the evening playing Jumbline on the iPad. I'm a girl who knows how to party on a Saturday night.
Sunday 16 January
She wasn't entirely sure what to make of her new bath-time pal...
Monday 17 January
This was Daddy's idea :)
Tuesday 18 January
We went to the play barn this morning for Bethan's birthday. This is Joe; he's nearly 4 weeks old and he weighs about 6.5 lbs. Today was supposed to be his due date. I know everyone says it but it's hard to imagine that Daisy was this size not that long ago...
Wednesday 19 January
This huge pile of clothes is what Liz brought round for Daisy today. That girl is so spoiled :). Included in the pile were three swimsuits, so we're all set for Florida.
Thursday 20 January
Thursday mornings we go to Baby Sensory Group. Today it was all about different textures, and it turns out Daisy's favourite was the whisk...
Friday 21 January
Uncle Ryan bought Daisy these Converse (and another pair that look like Nemo) when she was newborn. She's very excited that she's big enough to fit into them now!