Thursday 19 April 2007

Well, if everyone else is doing it...

Loads of people I know have blogs. My boyfriend Rob has one (although he hasn't posted for ages - over a year, in fact), and lots of my friends have one, particularly the US-based ones, including Keri and Jill - so why shouldn't I have a go? I'm not sure I have anything to talk about - Rob's is a techie/work-related blog, Keri focuses on her children and Jill talks about her travels - but I'm sure I'll think of something. If not, this might be the first and last post...

Actually, the next few months are going to be quite hectic as Rob and I are moving from Manchester to Southampton, so there might be some news there. In the meantime, I'll just catch you up with what's been going on so far...

1 comment:

Keri Donald said...

Yea! Welcome to the blog world! :) Can't wait to hear all about what's going on over on the other side of the pond. :D