I took a pregnancy test on Wednesday morning as, despite the fact that I'd had a negative test a week ago, I hadn't started my period.
It was positive.
So I took another test. I guess there's more than one way to pee on a stick right because that one came back with an error, so I took a third. That was positive too, so just to be sure, I took a fourth. And a fifth.
By the time I had taken the fifth test, even the one that had an error was showing as positive, albeit faintly.

By this point I was cautiously optimistic, but did still think that because I had bought all the tests at the same time, maybe I had just bought from a faulty batch. I showed Rob, who was very excited, and I rang the doctor to make an appointment, but the snow havoc meant that they didn't have all their staff in and the earliest they could offer me an appointment was this morning at 09:20.
The next opportunity I had to go to the supermarket to buy a different brand of test was Friday, but I had a PT session at the gym first thing. So I got up, peed in a plastic cup with a sealable lid, put said cup in my £450 handbag, went to my PT session, went to Sainsbury's to buy more tests (bought a two-pack), then went to the old house to pick up the mail. While I was there, I dunked one of my new tests in the cup, and voila:
This time around I was pretty sure it was accurate, and seeing as I had another test left, I did it on Saturday morning and got another positive ;). If I needed any further confirmation, last night I started feeling quite nauseous. As it turned out, the doctor didn't re-test me this morning when I saw her, presumably because home pregnancy tests are as accurate as any test the doctor can do at this stage. If I had been less sure, I would have asked the doctor for another test, but I think 7 positive tests and sudden onset nausea are pretty conclusive...
So, I've been referred to the midwife for a booking appointment and a 12-week scan, although it didn't occur to me until after I left the doctor's that I won't actually be here at 12 weeks - we're going on holiday from 9 weeks to 14 weeks. I need to change GP anyway, as we no longer live in the right area for that one since we moved, so I'll arrange to register with a GP near the new house and let the new doctor know about the holiday.
Congratulations! I hope everything is going well!
Trust me, if I got positive on even ONE pregnancy test I too would have "sudden onset nausea".
Also missing why you put pee in a cup? I know moms carry weird stuff in their bags, were you just getting a jump on it?
Oh BTW: be damn glad you switched GP. After my appt today? I'm not sure I want to go back!
And of course, even though it effectively ends your friendship with my loving bf, congratulations! ;)
Jill, the best time to do a pregnancy test is when you haven't been to the loo or had anything to drink for 4 hours, so basically first thing in the morning. But because I still needed to go and buy the test, I had to bottle my sample :).
can't believe you carried a pot of pee round with you in a £450 handbag, hilarious!! :-D
Are you going to post scan pics?
Tara x
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