Sunday 6 April 2008

It hasn't snowed down here all winter...

... which I'm glad about - I don't really like snow. Last week, the first week of April, it was warmer than usual for this time of year. As the song says, what a difference a day makes: this is what the back garden looked like at 09:00 this morning:

It didn't last too long, though; this is what it looked like four hours later:

The snow was melting so quickly off the trees at the front that it sounded like it was raining. It looked nice while it lasted, but I'm pleased it wasn't forecast to last long...


Keri Donald said...

I love that your post shows what it looks like 4 hours later, while from Ben's blog I was led to believe that it was staying white like that all day and for days at a time!

Jenny Greenwood said...

I thought it was supposed to be warm in the south, we haven't had anything like that up here!

Sarah L said...

WOW! What a difference a few hours makes!!!!!