Our enthusiasm for sightseeing was waning a little bit, so we took things at a slightly slower pace. We had also had our fill of miso soup and noodles for a while, so we went to Friday's and the Outback Steak House for our evening meals :). The weather was quite a bit cooler here than it was in Kyoto, in fact it was drizzling most of the time, but that didn't spoil it too much; we were glad of the break from the heat and humidity.
We didn't go to too many places that warranted picture-taking, but the pictures we do have are here. The two pictures below were taken from the 8th floor of our hotel, looking out at the road outside Shibuya station. The number of people crossing the road each time the lights changed was incredible; exactly how I imagined Tokyo to be :).

So, having spent 11 days sightseeing, we're now looking forward to 10 days of doing absolutely nothing in Indonesia...
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