We also got this beautiful applique tapestry from Nikki, Will & Evie. We opened it on the morning after the wedding and I cried :)
Finally, for the last 20 years my Mum has made some fantastic embroidery samplers as wedding gifts for most of the weddings she's been invited to (and even some she hasn't). After all these years of admiring the ones she'd done so far, I was quite surprised to find out that she wasn't making one for us, but Mum said she thought I wouldn't want one (I guess the hint-dropping chain broke down somewhere, eh Jen?). So, with three weeks to go before the wedding, she put this together and Dad presented it to us during his speech on the day.
Finding a spot to hang the photograph was easy - our hallway lends itself very well to black & white pictures, so I just had to re-position two B&W shots of the New York skyline to give the new picture pride of place. Picking a spot for the other two is proving more difficult. All the pictures we have on the walls downstairs are meaningful to us - embroideries of the houses I've lived in, photos, paintings, prints and maps of places we've been etc - except for two large pictures of flowers in the lounge. I have a feeling they won't be in the lounge much longer...
Black and white picture looks lovely. I was wondering what was in the photo though that made it look a bit strange at your elbows...then I realised it was a reflection of your toes!
Sally (Normington) thinks that'as the best sampler she's ever seen.
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