Tuesday, 20 April 2010

All About Blood

I had a call from the GP's surgery this morning - my blood results from the sample the midwife took last Thursday came back with a white blood count that's in the normal range, so they won't need to refer me to a haematologist.

What I forgot to mention last week, though, is that my blood type came back A-negative. Which is interesting, given the conversation I had with a doctor from the Blood Donor Service a couple of years ago, saying that I was A-positive but my positive antigens were so weak that it was difficult to tell whether I was positive or negative. I mentioned this to the midwife and she said she'd never heard of that before, but there was no doubt in their eyes that I was A-negative, so I'd be receiving Anti-D injections later in the pregnancy.


Keri Donald said...

I assume Rob's blood type is positive then? You know if the father's type is negative, your child will have negative too so you don't need the shots; right? Just checkin'. :)

(We had the same situation. I'm A-, but since Keith is O-, I didn't need the shot.)

Sarah L said...

Glad that all the blood tests came back normal :-)

memento said...

I'm an A- as well, and had to have a shot each pregnancy. Wasn't much of a deal. Strange story though, about the A 'very faintly' positive. If this were the case, would you have side effects of getting those shot?

Congratulations on your baby girl, by the way! I've always called my children by their name before they were born as well, so I understand your point there.