Tuesday, 6 December 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 48

Saturday 26 November

We arrived back home today to a bathroom that's still most definitely a work in progress. The toilet works, but it will be a few days before we get a shower or bath back. Nice tiles, though, huh?

Sunday 27 November

Daisy's bath for the next few days. I have a feeling she won't be having a bath every day like she normally does...

Monday 28 November

Surveying the damage. She had bolognese in her ears and everywhere...

Tuesday 29 November

Let me out!

Wednesday 30 November

I love this outfit!

Thursday 1 December

Trying out the new car seat - she doesn't weigh enough to use it yet, but it won't be long. I hope.

Friday 2 December

I LOVE this cardigan that Mum knitted for Daisy. I think she made it to a fairly small size - maybe 3-6 months - but by her own admission her knitting is a little slack, and at 15 months, it's a perfect fit!

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