Friday 2 May 2008


This time tomorrow I'll be in Turkey. A car's coming for me in less than an hour to take me to Gatwick - Jen's driving down to meet me there and we're staying over tonight then flying to Bodrum tomorrow. So radio silence for a week - which probably won't even be noticeable from a blog point of view, given that I only post about once a week. Not got vast amounts to talk about at the moment.

I realised today that it's a year since I started blogging. If you look back through my posts, two are dated April 2007, but I pre-dated them; it was definitely May Bank Holiday weekend that I signed up to Blogger. I remember because Rob was at JavaOne in San Francisco and I was at home watching the snooker while I was setting up my Blogger account. One year on, Rob's going to JavaOne in a couple of days and I'm currently watching the snooker while blogging... Can't believe I'm going to miss the final - but I'm not so hooked that I would plan my holidays around a sporting event. I'm going to put my cards on the table and plump for Ronnie to win - not exactly a risky choice, as there are only four left to choose from and I'm sure Ronnie's odds-on favourite.

Passport, tickets, money, camera...

More in a week!


Jill Fosness said...

First to comment?!

Have an ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS holiday!! Be safe and have tons of relaxing fun!

I don't know much, but I'd say getting a 147 in competition has to count for something, well, I guess it did count for 157,000 pounds...Go Rocket! ;) And a week ago I would have had NO idea what you were talking about!

Keri Donald said...

I still have no idea what you're talking about! :)

Have fun traveling!

Julia said...

You were right! Ronnie won 18-8. Or rather, Ali Carter lost 8-18, since he did little more than turn up to each session and watch Ronnie play!

Jill Fosness said...

I was telling Ben that he and I have nothing to complain about - you and Rob take the Geographically Farthest Apart prize this week! Turkey to CA? I think if you tried to get farther from one another, you just would get closer!

Hope you are having a wonderful time!!

Your mom's comment made me laugh! ;)