Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Free Theatre Tickets!

I got home this afternoon to find an official-looking letter on the doorstep. I turned the envelope over and saw that it was sent by HM Revenue & Customs. I wasn't optimistic when I opened it, but it turned out to be a cheque for £349.50! When I set up my company, I signed up to make voluntary National Insurance contributions by direct debit, then I forgot to cancel it when I started full-time with SpringSource. So I've been paying just over £2 a week for the last 2 and a bit years and it only just came to light recently that I should have stopped, because the company now pays my National Insurance contributions from my gross pay. So they sent me a refund!

It couldn't have come at a better time, because today I've just shelled out a fortune on theatre tickets for Jen's birthday trip to London in September. So it's like the tickets (and lots of other stuff I've yet to buy) were free!

UPDATE Thursday 20:00 - Got another letter today, again from the Revenue, but this time from the Income Tax Department. Apparently I've overpaid on my tax for the last year and they're sending me a refund for £111.15!!


Jenny Greenwood said...

Yay free tickets!! What's this about shelling out a fortune though, I said I was happy to sit in the Gods :)

Keri Donald said...

I love found money! Even if it was really yours in the first place and they're just giving it back to you, it still feels like you won a prize. :)

Jill Fosness said...

Good news from the revenue people?! That's awesome! 350 pounds? That's like a thousand US dollars!! ;)