Thursday 25 September 2008

If you thought last week was boring

This week it's been more of the same (no headaches thankfully), except I didn't get to go out for dinner.

Ben, my personal trainer, has got me writing down everything I eat and drink so he can make suggestions on how to improve my nutrition. It has actually made me start to eat better - the stark reality of seeing 'half packet chocolate chip cookies' in black and white and knowing that someone else will judge me on it has made me more careful about what I eat. Or at least, what I admit to eating :).

It has also made me realise that for a vegetarian, I eat very little in the way of fruit and vegetables, particularly fruit. Must try harder there. I made up a batch of vegetable soup tonight that I can take into the office, so that's a start, and I'll try and remember to have a piece of fruit as a snack at least once a day. The trouble is, I can take or leave apples, and I don't like pears or bananas, so I find it hard to get excited about picking up a piece of fruit and eating it like everyone else does. Maybe a smoothie would do the trick.

Talking of blenders (almost), when I was making my vegetable soup this evening I spooned it into the blender and when I turned it on, the lid came off and splatted cabbage, onions and peppers all over my extractor fan and splashback. But the cleaner's coming tomorrow ;).

1 comment:

Jenny Greenwood said...

vegetarian....? did the fish just fall onto your plate last week?