Friday, 7 November 2008

Healthy Eating & Exercise vs The Influenza Diet

Healthy Eating & Exercise

Allows you to lose weight slowly and healthily, avoiding the risk of piling on the pounds again once you've reached your goal weight.

It requires months, even years, of dedication and commitment - it's not going to happen overnight.

The Influenza Diet


The feeling of not wanting to eat because you know you're only going to throw it straight back up contributes to the dramatic weight loss this diet promises - 1lb a day or more. Note that this diet is a variation on the Salmonella Diet Rob tried a few years ago with even more dramatic results - 15lbs in 10 days.

You have to be prepared to feel awful for days - and you know you'll only gain anything you lose when you feel well enough to start eating again.

The Verdict

Whilst I'm currently experiencing the latter, albeit involuntarily, give me the former any day.


Sarah L said...

((((((((((((((Sally))))))))))))) Hope you feel better soon

Ben Hale said...

No, no. Where you're going wrong is that you have to take the latter diet, and combine it with the hard cycle-commute from the first one. I'm reasonably sure I've lost nearly a stone this week thanks to that ;)

memento said...

I think the latter option also has the disadvantage that weight loss will be mostly water, so once your back to being able to eat and drink, you put the lost weight back on right away...

That said, I hope you get well soon!