Saturday, 30 May 2009

Countdown: 3 Weeks To Go

This week, I: -
  • am going to London with Rob later on today for Tara's 30th birthday party;

  • am going shopping with Rebecca, my youngest bridesmaid, on Monday to buy sparkly things to put in her hair on the wedding day;

  • need to confirm appointments for nails, hair and make-up for me and the girls on the Friday before and morning of the wedding;

  • have an appointment to see the events co-ordinator at the hotel on Wednesday, to confirm final numbers, pay them the money we owe (sharp intake of breath) and go over last-minute details;

  • am going shopping with Jill on Wednesday afternoon to find an outfit for her to wear at the wedding. We made a start on this yesterday but we only saw about half the dresses Southampton has to offer, so we'll look at the other half then make a decision;

  • am meeting Paul, our photographer, on Thursday, to look round the church and the hotel for good photo locations;

  • need to print out the orders of service, although I might not get this done until I speak to Simon who's organising the band for the service, as I want to make sure I have all the details correct before printing 100 copies :) ;

  • need to tidy the house, for two reasons: first, because I haven't cleaned it properly for weeks and it's filthy, and second, because we have visitors this weekend - Rob's Dad and James, the best man, are going with Rob and the boys on his 'local' stag do (the main one having been Vegas a few weeks ago), and Sam is coming out with me and the girls for a hen party that Clare is organising.
I'm so glad I don't work right now :).

1 comment:

Jill Fosness said...

Half the dresses in Southampton?? Alright, you may have a point.... ;)