Tuesday, 22 February 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 7

Saturday 12 February

This is the face of a baby who's slept much better on the return flight than she did on the outbound... :).

Sunday 13 February

Anyone who knows my boyfriend won't be surprised to learn that he got me Glee pyjamas for Valentine's Day ;).

Monday 14 February

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday 15 February

We started solid foods this week. It was a qualified success - some foods (carrots) were better received than others (bananas) - but one thing I can say with certainty was that it was a very messy affair...

Wednesday 16 February

Becky and Ethan came round to visit this afternoon. I remember when my baby used to snuggle like this...

Thursday 17 February

It was the final Baby Sensory group of this term today. We had a great time at the classes and I've learned a lot about how to keep a baby entertained :).

Friday 18 February

I rode the Waterloo & City line for the first time in years today. It was about as busy as this too (this isn't my photo; I stole it from Wikipedia again. I draw the line at trainspotting).

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 6

Saturday 5 February

A 9.5-hour flight to Orlando. For the 30 minutes that she did sleep, her arm was like this most of the time...

Sunday 6 February

We spent the day lounging around and getting over our jet-lag, then we had burgers and watched the Superbowl in the evening. Actually, everyone else watched the Superbowl - I went to bed at 20:00 as Daisy had decided that from 03:00 to 06:00 that morning was her awake time...

Monday 7 February

Annabelle bought herself and Daisy some co-ordinating outfits. So cute.

Tuesday 8 February

Annabelle's 5th birthday. We went out for dinner at the Melting Pot. Tuesday was also the day that Keri found out that her new baby will be a girl :).

Wednesday 9 February

Miss Ginny took some photos of Daisy in the Florida sunshine.

Thursday 10 February

Daisy & Annabelle's co-ordinating PJs.

Friday 11 February

At the zoo with Auntie Jen.

Friday, 4 February 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 5

Saturday 29 January

This picture is a total cop-out as I didn't take it - I stole it from Wikipedia :). But it does show where I was today, and I loved the show the fourth time even more than I did the other three...

Sunday 30 January

The ubergeek strikes again. I even have a porta-puzzle carrier for it :).

Monday 31 January

This girl just loves bathtime.

Tuesday 1 February

On the left, the number of dirty nappies we usually get through in a week (roughly one a day but not every day). On the right, the number of dirty nappies we've been through in the past 24 hours. And also the number of outfits.

Wednesday 2 February

Kisses with Daddy.

Thursday 3 February

Phone-quality instead of camera-quality, but I still love it.

Friday 4 February

I finally got started on packing for Florida tomorrow...

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 4

Saturday 22 January

I make carrot & coriander soup on average every 4 or 5 days. Carrots, onion, vegetable stock and coriander. So simple even I can't mess it up.

Sunday 23 January

This kid is going to grow up with square eyes...

Monday 24 January
This is what my weight loss chart looks like so far. 14lbs down, 20 to go...

Tuesday 25 January

Isla came round today. They were both full of smiles until the camera came out ;)

Wednesday 26 January

In a bid to stop my brain from atrophying, I did this jigsaw puzzle this evening. That's right, I am a geek.

Thursday 27 January

We went to see Becky and Ethan today. He's 5 weeks old tomorrow, and his due date was 3 days ago :).

Friday 28 January

This is what the lounge looks like on any given day: toys all over the place, a child in the bouncer and Baby Einstein on the TV...