Friday, 4 February 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 5

Saturday 29 January

This picture is a total cop-out as I didn't take it - I stole it from Wikipedia :). But it does show where I was today, and I loved the show the fourth time even more than I did the other three...

Sunday 30 January

The ubergeek strikes again. I even have a porta-puzzle carrier for it :).

Monday 31 January

This girl just loves bathtime.

Tuesday 1 February

On the left, the number of dirty nappies we usually get through in a week (roughly one a day but not every day). On the right, the number of dirty nappies we've been through in the past 24 hours. And also the number of outfits.

Wednesday 2 February

Kisses with Daddy.

Thursday 3 February

Phone-quality instead of camera-quality, but I still love it.

Friday 4 February

I finally got started on packing for Florida tomorrow...

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