Tuesday, 22 February 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 7

Saturday 12 February

This is the face of a baby who's slept much better on the return flight than she did on the outbound... :).

Sunday 13 February

Anyone who knows my boyfriend won't be surprised to learn that he got me Glee pyjamas for Valentine's Day ;).

Monday 14 February

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday 15 February

We started solid foods this week. It was a qualified success - some foods (carrots) were better received than others (bananas) - but one thing I can say with certainty was that it was a very messy affair...

Wednesday 16 February

Becky and Ethan came round to visit this afternoon. I remember when my baby used to snuggle like this...

Thursday 17 February

It was the final Baby Sensory group of this term today. We had a great time at the classes and I've learned a lot about how to keep a baby entertained :).

Friday 18 February

I rode the Waterloo & City line for the first time in years today. It was about as busy as this too (this isn't my photo; I stole it from Wikipedia again. I draw the line at trainspotting).

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