Tuesday, 27 September 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 38

Saturday 17 September

Daisy was still suffering the effects of the MMR jab today but she still posed for a couple of pictures.

Sunday 18 September

Auntie Sarah came round to visit today; we were supposed to see her the other week when we visited Mum & Dad but she was busy being birthing partner for her friend :). Daisy loved it when Sarah bounced the ball on her head...

Monday 19 September

Today Daisy woke up feeling much better - rash gone, no temperature, not cranky any more :). She spent a good 15 minutes this afternoon laughing at a blank piece of paper that my Mum gave her. I wished I'd brought my video camera with me because although I took a load of still pictures of her laughing, they don't convey it anywhere near as well as I hoped they would. In the end I've chosen this shot of her today, in her catalogue pose...

Tuesday 20 September


Wednesday 21 September

We left Mum & Dad's to come home yesterday, but before we did I took a couple of shots of the back of her head. All weekend we've been bombarded with compliments, most of them focused on her eyes, or her hair, or both. Her hair really has got very long and curly in the past couple of months. I love it!

Thursday 22 September

I was taking down the washing from the line outside with one hand while holding Daisy with the other. When it came to getting the basket and the baby inside, I decided one trip would be easier, and she didn't seem to mind at all :).

Friday 23 September

Daisy went to stay with Daddy this weekend, but before she left I got a couple of shots of her in her new dress. She wasn't in the least bit interested in posing for photos, though. As usual :).

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Thirteen Months

Wow, this child is literally learning something new every day! Things she can do now that she couldn't do a month ago: -

When you say 'Where's Daisy gone?', instead of covering her eyes and playing peekaboo, she says 'Boo!'.

She can recognise various animals from her farmyard set that Auntie Jen bought for her birthday, and also from a wooden puzzle that Uncle Tom got her. So if you say 'Where's the chicken?' she'll find it and hold it up. She knows chicken, cow, horse, sheep, doggie and pig from her farmyard set, plus butterfly, rainbow, house, bear, flower and cat from her wooden puzzle. She can also say 'bear', 'ball', and she says 'poo' for 'spoon' and 'at' for 'cat', and not just in the context of looking at the puzzle - we were walking round the supermarket today and she started saying 'at'. I looked up and realised we were walking past the pet food and there were pictures of cats all over the place :).

She can make the noises of a few animals, including lion (the cutest 'rah' you ever heard), cow, chicken, sheep (for some reason until a couple of days ago her 'sheep' was a silent one - she would say 'baa' but without actually making a sound so it looked more like a goldfish, but she's started actually saying 'baa' now) and, as of this weekend, snake and monkey. I've been trying to get them on video but she hasn't been playing; will persevere.

She can also point out various parts of her body, including her hair, nose, mouth, ears, tummy, knees and feet. I decided against teaching her 'eyes' because she does tend to prod the particular body part named quite vigorously :). Again, video to follow.

She's learned to say and sign 'please' when she asks for something. So instead of just hearing 'mo, mo' all day, now I hear 'mo', then I ask 'What do you say?' and she says 'pees' while putting her hand to her mouth. Still working on a video of this too :).

Her walking is coming on, although she's still not all that interested in walking unaided, or even holding on to my hands. She's cruising round the furniture a lot more, and I would say that whereas a month ago crawling was her main method for getting about, I think now it's about 50/50 crawling and walking. If she can get to where she needs to be by cruising the furniture and not having to sit down, she will do.

She loves to High Five if you put your hand up, and as well as saying 'Nanna' she now says 'Apa' for Grandpa. She's still working on the 'J' sound for both Jon and Jen, so at the moment it's more like 'Doh' and 'Deh', but she'll get there.

If you ask her to give kisses to whatever she's holding, she will lean in and do it, whether it's a toy, a bottle top or a coaster, but ask her to give kisses to a real person and she'll smile, shake her head and say 'Nah' :).

She's very aware of what she may and may not do, especially in the living room, the place where she spends most of the time when we're in the house and she's not sleeping. For instance, I heard her saying 'No' today; I turned round and she was shaking her head and smiling while holding the remote control...

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 37

Wow, I've taken no pictures at all this week! After her MMR jab on Monday 5th, Daisy started feeling unwell on Monday 12th and didn't stop feeling unwell until Monday 19th, so I didn't get the camera out this week. Instead, I'll put pictures up that have been my second choice on a few occasions over the past few weeks. Sorry!

Saturday 10 September

Woohoo, got another one! A lady I know from church in Winchester moved to Singapore earlier this year and she very kindly sent this back with her son who went out to visit recently. That's another one down, and 18 I've got now. There are another 23 on the list of places I've been to, and therefore mugs I could have (assuming they do them for all those cities), plus hundreds more mugs to collect from places I haven't been yet, so it will keep me busy for a while :).

Sunday 11 September

How beautiful is this child???

Monday 12 September

When Auntie Clare was here, we wondered what Daisy would look like with long hair. Daisy wasn't all that impressed... :).

Tuesday 13 September

First meal on a proper plate!

Wednesday 14 September

This is a slightly over-exposed yet lovely picture that Mum took a few weeks ago when we visited. I've tried to enhance it but this is the best I could do.

Thursday 15 September

This is a screen shot of the card I put together to celebrate Daisy's first birthday.

Friday 16 September

Daisy and I went up to Mum & Dad's for a few days today. She was still feeling cranky from the MMR, but enjoyed crawling round the extra floor space and putting fingermarks over all the glass she could find...

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 36

Saturday 3 September

Every time Daisy hears someone say 'Good girl!' she claps her hands...

Sunday 4 September

My favourite of Daisy's presents (let's face it, it's really a present for me) is this beautiful wall hanging that my Mum made. It was originally supposed to be a quilt but I told Mum a few months ago that there was no way I was going to risk ruining it by actually using it, so she backed it and put tabs on the top instead. I bought the various pieces I needed to hang it on the wall in her room today and I love how it's turned out!

Monday 5 September

Daisy had her MMR jabs today, so rather than put up a picture of her screaming, I went for this one instead. I made it for my lovely friend Catherine and apparently it now has price of place in James's nursery, so that's good :). I have a backlog of about half a dozen of these to do for various people, so I'd better get on with it...

Tuesday 6 September

Keri sent this really cool top for Daisy almost a year ago. Because she's so small for her age, I have lots of clothes queuing up and I'm worried I might forget about them and she'll grow too big to wear them in the meantime, so I go through the 'waiting' box every couple of weeks and pull out a few more things to add to the 'current' collection. But even more important is that she's wearing her first ever proper pair of shoes! We went to Clarks today to have them fitted. Size 2 :).

Wednesday 7 September

We went swimming this morning (she whimpered for 10 minutes then laughed her head off for the next 40) and on the way back we stopped at Mothercare. Now that I know her shoe size, I couldn't resist these little boots ;).

Thursday 8 September

Alicia came to visit today! Daisy had a really good day, so it was a perfect day for visitors. We went into St Neots and had some lunch, then just spent the rest of the day watching Daisy be cute.

Friday 9 September

Another shot of the boots. Although she's finding it harder to walk now she has these great clunking things on the end of her feet. The woman in the shoe shop on Tuesday said she might regress with her walking but would get back on track fairly quickly.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 35

Saturday 27 August

We travelled up to Mum & Dad's today for the Bank Holiday weekend, and when we arrived there were lots of birthday presents for Daisy to open! Here she is showing off a couple of them.

Sunday 28 August

I love this picture of Mum playing with Daisy's toys and Dad & Jon trying to figure out why the remote control isn't working...

Monday 29 August

Jen's friend Catherine was staying at Mum & Dad's this weekend too, so we took the opportunity to ask her to take a group photo. She took about a dozen, and there wasn't a single one where all of us were looking at the camera and smiling. This is the best one - Jen's eyes are nearly closed and Daisy's thoroughly fed up with all the picture-taking, but apart from that, it's not bad :).

Tuesday 30 August

This girl's hair has grown loads in the last few weeks!

Wednesday 31 August

I absolutely love the farmyard scene that Auntie Jen bought Daisy for her birthday (well, I should love it, as I chose it...). Daisy loves the farmer and his wife, and she has been seen making them kiss :).

Thursday 1 September

One of Daisy's favourite times of the day is bath time (it's one of my favourite times too, because usually Jon does bath time and I get a break, although I usually spend the time washing up or tidying away the living room, aka Daisy's play room). I took this lovely picture of her today brushing her teeth.

Friday 2 September

Blurry, I know, but still beautiful :).