Thursday, 26 July 2007

Fatal Flaw in the Weight Loss Plan...

...We can't find our bathroom scales. We had two sets, a manual one and an electronic one, and I remember wrapping them both up together in a towel when we moved. I don't remember where they went after that, and not long after we moved in Rob wanted them. We kept saying that we'd come across them eventually, but it's been three weeks and we only have half a dozen or so boxes still to empty. We've looked in them all and there are no scales to be found - and that also means I'm missing a hand towel :).

So keeping an eye on my weight has proven a bit difficult of late. We had junk food every night for the first week we were here (we had a functioning kitchen within 2 days but after unpacking all day the last thing I wanted to do was cook) and judging by the reading on the scales at the gym the other day, I did put some weight on (although I was fully clothed and with my trainers on). But we've been eating a lot better and I've been exercising regularly again, so hopefully the weight I put on will have gone again by the time I find/buy some scales.

I mapped out a 3km route (actually 3.05km) from the new house and ran it for the first time on Tuesday. The route from our old house (3.15km) was really flat, but this one is a bit hillier - there's a downhill then an uphill on Wildern Lane, Upper Northam Road is all uphill (only a gentle incline) then Turnpike Way is a combination of uphill and downhill. I posted a fairly slow time on Tuesday because I didn't know what the rest of the route was going to be like, but today I did a much better time - my fastest time yet, although this route is 100m shorter than the old route.

I didn't feel too out of breath and my legs weren't too tired, both on Tuesday and today, so I've decided I'll do one more route at 3km then I'll modify my route a little to 3.5km.


Keri Donald said...

Hills are so much harder than flat! Makes so much difference, but if you did go back to running flat after that you'd REALLY kick butt and it would be cake! :)

Sarah L said...

Keep at it Sally! Any run is good for you - it's always the getting up and out that's the hardest! And you don't need scales - they're just depressing! xx