Here's the latest round of pictures of the house. This is the den before it was decorated (and while we were still using it as a store room).

Here it is again, after its makeover, from the same angle:

and from the other side of the room. Rob's Dad did the painting; mine did the flooring. Just need to get some furniture in there now...

Here's our bedroom, which isn't the largest bedroom in the world, but we chose this house because it had lots of living space downstairs, so we'll only be using the bedroom for sleeping. Sounds like a silly thing to say, but Rob used to spend a lot of time in our huge bedroom in the old house watching DVDs on his laptop when I was watching the TV downstairs, but he has the den for that now.

Again, Rob's Dad did the painting; my Mum made the curtains and my Dad made the door fit back into the frame!

This is the view into the en suite from the bedroom - we'll be having the whole room refitted so this will serve as a 'before' shot.

Finally, here's a picture of the spare room, which is the largest of the bedrooms, and if it weren't for the fact that our room has the en suite bathroom, I would happily have this room as the main bedroom. We haven't decorated in here; I quite liked it how it was so I just bought bedding to match.
My parents left today; as well as laying the flooring in the den, they also painted the utility area while they were here, and put up some pictures, and cooked two barbecues, and assembled the TV unit and the bedroom furniture... thanks Mum & Dad!
Yea for pictures! Wow... you guys have done LOTS of things already! Good for you!
I LOVE the bed in the spare room... very cool!
Both your Mum & Dad's seem very able and willing - please send them round to mine! Looks really good - the Den was in need of a makeover and looks like you've done the perfect job with it xx
Your pad looks fab Sal xx
That was me by the way! Nat xx
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