Wednesday, 11 February 2009

He's Home!

Rob got back from Sudan this morning at around 08:15 - he and the three guys he was with flew from Yei in southern Sudan to Entebbe, just outside Kampala, yesterday morning. They managed to blag free entry visas into Uganda and spent the day sunbathing by the pool at the Windsor Lake Victoria Hotel (and getting sunburnt), then they flew from there to Nairobi last night, in time to catch their overnight connection to Heathrow.

I'm glad to have him home - even though I hardly spent much time at home myself while he was away; I only got back from my parents' yesterday afternoon - and it's been great listening to all his stories. If you haven't already heard them, mosey on over to Rob's blog for all the details. At his request, I had a mahoosive smoothie ready for him when he got home :).

Very jealous of all the stamps he's got in his passport now. I'll be able to add Singapore, Indonesia and Japan to mine in June (booked the honeymoon last week) but then again, so will he...

1 comment:

Jill Fosness said...

Is mahoosive yet another british slang term I need to learn? ;)