Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Poorly Sick

I'm ill. To prove the point, I had a bath today, something I only do when I'm sick and even then not very often - I haven't had a bath at all since we moved here almost 18 months ago, for example. Still, it gave me a chance to try out the jacuzzi jets in the bath - very nice, although I got bored after about 10 minutes.

Yesterday afternoon I started feeling really achy - my neck and lower back, then my arms and legs. I was also freezing, despite the fact that the office was warm. I went to bed at 21:00 and during the course of the night I woke up about half a dozen times absolutely drenched in sweat, yet when I pushed back the covers I was freezing. I got up at 03:30 and went downstairs to watch some of the election coverage - at that point Obama had 207 votes to McCain's 135 and they were expecting California to come in any minute.

I got up at 07:30 and went downstairs to watch the breakfast news. My arms, legs, neck and back were still aching, plus my throat was quite scratchy and I'd developed a cough overnight, and my entire head was just one big round pain. I was supposed to have my PT session this morning, so Rob went instead - his session is tomorrow, so he said we should just swap, although I'm not going to be better by tomorrow so I've called Ben to cancel for this week. By the time Rob got back from the gym just after 09:00 I had already gone back to bed. I slept right through until 14:50, then I checked my e-mails, had a bath, took some painkillers and went downstairs for a while, but I was back in bed again by 17:20. The painkillers have taken the edge off the aches and pains, but my nose is now quite blocked and my throat is definitely getting worse.

So no fireworks for me this Bonfire Night - although I can hear lots of them going off outside. More sleep is in order, I think. Night night.


Keri Donald said...

Have you seriously been in your house for 18 months already? Wow!

I hope you feel much better soon!

EvaHoe said...

I also tend to feel boring after 10 minutes in the bathtub. However, I couldn't wait 18 months to try the Jacuzzi at least once :-)

Sounds like you need much sleep and silence. Get well soon!

Jenny Greenwood said...

Big hugs from me, get well soon xxxx

Jill Fosness said...

Wait just one second!! Ben is home sick today too...hmmm...

I hope you feel better soon!!

Rob Harrop said...


That's what I said! Suspicious or what?