Tuesday, 29 March 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 12

Saturday 19 March

Jon went to the Spurs match today, so I got a lift into London with him and met a friend for coffee. I had an hour to kill before meeting him after the match so instead of going shopping and spending money I don't have on things I don't need, I went here, the National Portrait Gallery, which was free. I really enjoyed myself; I chose the floor that housed pictures from 1900 to present day, and there were some really lovely ones. Some not quite so lovely, and some just plain bizarre, like the self-sculpture someone's done using his own blood...

Sunday 20 March

We have a tooth!

Monday 21 March

Now that Daisy's sitting up on her own a lot better, I converted the doughnut ring thing she had (which she didn't use all that often) into the playmat with sitting support for if she loses her balance. She did lose her balance after a while, but she seemed content just to lounge around and watch TV...

Tuesday 22 March

I decided that for the time being, I'll collect Starbucks mugs from places I've been to personally (except the one that Jon brought back from Dublin...). I've been to San Francisco twice, so I didn't consider it cheating to buy this one from eBay. I did consider it daylight robbery when I factored in the postage, though - it would almost have been cheaper to fly there myself and get one. Won't be doing that again in a hurry. At least, not once the one I bought from Chicago has been delivered...

Wednesday 23 March

You know how babies are so difficult to photograph, and you take dozens of photos just to get one decent one? Well, this afternoon I took about 7 or 8 in a row that were all beautiful. Here's one of them.

Thursday 24 March

We went to the pottery cafe in Eastleigh this afternoon with some friends and had a lovely time doing hand and footprints of the kids. Here are Eden and Daisy, receiving some bad news by the look of it.

Friday 25 March


Tuesday, 22 March 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 11

Saturday 12 March

When we got to Auntie Jen's yesterday, our cousins Oliver and Alicia came over straight from work for the evening, as Oliver hadn't met Daisy yet and Alicia couldn't pass up the opportunity to see her again :). I had already undressed her for her bath but I couldn't resist a quick photo - I think babies never look cuter than when they're in the nuddy. Not quite sure about the expression on my face though - and this was the least 'surprised' of the 4 or so that Jen took...

Sunday 13 March

Auntie Jen and I took Daisy to the Build-a-Bear Workshop in Leeds to see Alicia yesterday, and while we were there we thought it would be rude not to build a bear. So here's Auntie Jen and Daisy Bear playing with her new friend, Daisy Bear.

Monday 14 March

We travelled from Jen's up to Mum & Dad's yesterday afternoon to spend the rest of the week with them. But no trip up there would be complete without a little day trip to Durham to see the lovely Susie.

Tuesday 15 March

Daisy's been interested in her feet for a few weeks now, but she hadn't managed to put them in her mouth yet. Until now...

Wednesday 16 March

It's been 2 weeks since I sprained my ankle outside my front door and made my knuckle swell to twice its normal size, and I still can't get my ring on my finger. It probably wasn't helped by the fact that Phoebe stood on my hand at toddler group last week. Hurry up and get better!

Thursday 17 March

Last time Auntie Sarah saw Daisy, she was three days old and weighed 5lbs 4oz. She weighs almost three times that now :).

Friday 18 March

We travelled back home today, but we had time for a few quick snaps before we left. Of course.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 10

Saturday 5 March

I love getting flowers. Especially when they're from the garden ;).

Sunday 6 March

I mentioned to Jon that Mum used to make smoked haddock on toast for Saturday lunch when we were kids, and I hadn't had it for years and years, so he made me some :).

Monday 7 March

Since she's been on solids, Daisy only wakes once in the night, sometime between 11pm and 1am, then she sleeps till about 7.30am. When she wakes up in the morning, it's not usually because she's hungry but because she just isn't tired any more. So this is generally what I see when I go in her room in a morning.

Tuesday 8 March

Nothing particularly memorable happened today, although we did go to the weigh clinic and she weighs 14lbs 9oz, which is a bigger gain than the growth chart suggests; I put that down to solids. She's still small for her age at just above the 9th centile, but in the past 6 weeks or so she's jumped up from the 5th centile. I forgot to take my camera to the weigh clinic so here's another shot I took of her today when we got home.

Wednesday 9 March

The bald patch on the back of her head is slowly regrowing some hair, now that she can sit for significant periods unaided.

Thursday 10 March

Daisy had her first train ride today! We went into London to see Eva, Juergen and Fabian and the day was pretty much a success. She was really well behaved all day and she and Fabian took a liking to each other, although it doesn't appear so from this picture. Fabian seems content to read Daisy's book while she parties :).

Friday 11 March

Fresh off the back of our train trip yesterday, we went on a road trip today - to Auntie Jen's in York via Manchester, which isn't really on the way (it's a 50-mile detour) but we couldn't resist a visit to this little man and his Mummy. James is 11 days old and weighs less than half what Daisy does - and I could definitely tell when I picked him up :). Catherine looks fabulous. Jealous.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 9

Saturday 26 February

Spring is on its way! This is what I see when I pull into my estate.

Sunday 27 February

Daisy, Jon and I went to Jon's niece's 3rd birthday party today. Daisy was really well-behaved. Well, unless you count farting loud enough to stop all conversation...

Monday 28 February

I love this casual, arm-up-on-the-sofa look :).

Tuesday 1 March

On four occasions in the past week, I've put Daisy on her back on the play mat, then gone to the loo or even just turned round to do something, and when I looked back she was on her front :). I'm pleased that she can do it, but I just wish I could have seen it, even just once! I've sat and watched her for hours, then typically the times she rolls over are the times I'm not watching ;).

Wednesday 2 March

As well as mastering rolling over, Daisy has really got the hang of sitting up this past week. She's gone from being really unstable a week ago to being able to sit for periods of a few minutes without toppling over. In fact, I put all these cushions round her in case she did lose her balance, but she didn't for the whole 20 minutes she was there :).

Thursday 3 March

I stepped out of my front door yesterday in flat shoes and promptly went over on my right ankle, ending up in a pile on the ground. Daisy was already in her buggy outside - I've run up and downstairs with her so many times, and yet thankfully I wasn't holding her the one time I fell. I sat on the ground for a minute or two, assessing the damage. My ankle actually didn't hurt as much as I expected it to when I got up, so we stuck to our plan of walking into the village. However, by the time it came to walking back from the village, it was quite painful and I had a bit of a limp. I also bruised my back, where I hit the doorstep on the way down, and my left arm, when I put it out to break my fall. But the thing that hurts the most is my right middle finger - I had my house keys in my hand and I think I twisted my finger when I hit the ground. It's really swollen and painful this morning :(.

Friday 4 March

I see this face a lot. This is her inquisitive look.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

A Year in Pictures: Week 8

Saturday 19 February

I didn't take any pictures today, but if I had they would probably be of the M25 or the M3 as I spent much of the day in the car, so instead, here's a picture of something far better looking than the motorway.

Sunday 20 February


Monday 21 February

Got some beautiful roses today :).

Tuesday 22 February

This girl is getting more and more determined - this was the result of her reaching for a particular toy on the play mat :).

Wednesday 23 February

Up to now Daisy's been having her 'proper' meals in the Bumbo, but she hasn't been all that keen, so I decided it was about time we got a big girl chair for her. So cute!!!

Thursday 24 February

My Starbucks mug collection has grown from 3 to 8 in the past month...

Friday 25 February

I took a video of Daisy eating her porridge this morning, and somehow I also took a couple of still images. I really need to learn how to use my video camera... Anyway, this looks like it was taken not long before the bit on the video where I tell Daisy she's got porridge on her eyebrow :).