Saturday 5 March
I love getting flowers. Especially when they're from the garden ;).
Sunday 6 March
I mentioned to Jon that Mum used to make smoked haddock on toast for Saturday lunch when we were kids, and I hadn't had it for years and years, so he made me some :).
Monday 7 March
Since she's been on solids, Daisy only wakes once in the night, sometime between 11pm and 1am, then she sleeps till about 7.30am. When she wakes up in the morning, it's not usually because she's hungry but because she just isn't tired any more. So this is generally what I see when I go in her room in a morning.
Tuesday 8 March

Nothing particularly memorable happened today, although we did go to the weigh clinic and she weighs 14lbs 9oz, which is a bigger gain than the growth chart suggests; I put that down to solids. She's still small for her age at just above the 9th centile, but in the past 6 weeks or so she's jumped up from the 5th centile. I forgot to take my camera to the weigh clinic so here's another shot I took of her today when we got home.
Wednesday 9 March
The bald patch on the back of her head is slowly regrowing some hair, now that she can sit for significant periods unaided.
Thursday 10 March
Daisy had her first train ride today! We went into London to see Eva, Juergen and Fabian and the day was pretty much a success. She was really well behaved all day and she and Fabian took a liking to each other, although it doesn't appear so from this picture. Fabian seems content to read Daisy's book while she parties :).
Friday 11 March

Fresh off the back of our train trip yesterday, we went on a road trip today - to Auntie Jen's in York via Manchester, which isn't really on the way (it's a 50-mile detour) but we couldn't resist a visit to this little man and his Mummy. James is 11 days old and weighs less than half what Daisy does - and I could definitely tell when I picked him up :). Catherine looks fabulous. Jealous.
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