Saturday 20 August
This picture wasn't taken today, but ssshhh... There aren't many pictures of me and Daisy as I'm usually the one behind the camera. I love this one.
Sunday 21 August
Who, me? I didn't do it...
Monday 22 August
OK, we didn't actually start her birthday 2 days early but I didn't take any pictures today (or tomorrow). She was very excited to open her presents, so she could play with... the wrapping paper :).
Tuesday 23 August
Auntie Clare arrived today! Daisy was clearly very excited about that...
Wednesday 24 August
Happy Birthday Daisy! I just cannot believe my baby is a year old. I bought this kit last week and decided that today would be a good day to do it, particularly as Clare was here to help. It was sooo difficult just to get the clay in the frame for a start, then Daisy started putting her pokey fingers on it, but there was no way I was going to try and roll the clay out again, so the imperfections will just have to be part of the story of making her hand and footprints on her first birthday. There's space for a photograph on the other side but I haven't had one printed yet. Might take another picture of it once it's finished and use it on a day when I forget to take any pictures...
Thursday 25 August
I know this is absolutely the wrong angle to have taken the picture from, as her face is in shadow, but I love her casual pose and facial expression :).
Friday 26 August
Let me out!
This picture wasn't taken today, but ssshhh... There aren't many pictures of me and Daisy as I'm usually the one behind the camera. I love this one.
Sunday 21 August
Who, me? I didn't do it...
Monday 22 August

OK, we didn't actually start her birthday 2 days early but I didn't take any pictures today (or tomorrow). She was very excited to open her presents, so she could play with... the wrapping paper :).
Tuesday 23 August
Auntie Clare arrived today! Daisy was clearly very excited about that...
Wednesday 24 August
Happy Birthday Daisy! I just cannot believe my baby is a year old. I bought this kit last week and decided that today would be a good day to do it, particularly as Clare was here to help. It was sooo difficult just to get the clay in the frame for a start, then Daisy started putting her pokey fingers on it, but there was no way I was going to try and roll the clay out again, so the imperfections will just have to be part of the story of making her hand and footprints on her first birthday. There's space for a photograph on the other side but I haven't had one printed yet. Might take another picture of it once it's finished and use it on a day when I forget to take any pictures...
Thursday 25 August
I know this is absolutely the wrong angle to have taken the picture from, as her face is in shadow, but I love her casual pose and facial expression :).
Friday 26 August
Let me out!