So, Daisy is a year old already. As I mentioned in the caption for the picture on 17 August, her one-year measurements put her in the 9th percentile for height, the 25th for weight and the 85th for head circumference... She is able to stand up from sitting, but she hasn't shown much of an interest in walking anywhere yet. She can say Mummy, Daddy, Daisy, Nanna, no, more, up, down, bye and baby, and can sign 'all done', 'where?' and 'more'. She claps when she hears someone say 'good girl' and she does a sitting-down dance when she hears music.
She LOVES playing peekaboo with anything to hand - when she's lying down having her nappy changed, she finds Ellie, her favourite toy, puts her above her head and says 'Where, where?' while signing 'where'. I ask where it is, then she reaches above her head, finds Ellie and shows her to me. Another variation on this theme is if you say 'Where's Daisy gone?' she'll cover her eyes with her hands and give you a big smile when she takes them away and you shout 'There she is!'
She says 'more' a LOT - I think she thinks it means 'breadstick', because that's usually what she wants when she says it. I'm trying to teach her to say or sign 'please' but we're not quite there yet.
Her method of crawling is so funny. I guess it would be categorised as a bum shuffle, but I honestly don't think she will crawl properly before she walks. She plants her right foot on the ground and pulls herself forward with that and her left hand, dragging her left foot with her. She seems to get around fine like this, though, and she even has a hand free to carry things in... :)

Happy Birthday Daisy Bear!
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