Sunday, 20 January 2008

Exbury Gardens 10k

Sara and I have entered the Exbury Gardens 10k, which is on 9 March. She asked if I wanted to do the Winchester 10k on 24 February, but 10km is twice as far as I've ever run in one go, so I thought it was a bit too soon. Actually I think this one is too soon as well, but I decided to bite the bullet and give it a go. The race website says it's a fast and flat course - but flat to me and flat to a proper runner might be totally different things, so I think we'll go and run the route once before the day. They are limiting entrants to 250, so there's a very good chance I'll come dead last, but we'll see. I went round to Sara's this morning and we ran 5km from her house - which is much hillier than the area around my house, she can come to me next weekend!

I have got myself a training plan from the Runner's World website and have been following it for the last 2 weeks - it's three runs a week, on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, increasing the distance gradually, then on the other days I can either rest or do some other form of exercise. I've been doing a long weights session on Mondays and Fridays and a shorter weights session with some cardio on Wednesdays, then having a rest day on Saturday. I know I'm going to find it really hard to double my distance over the next few weeks - today's run was 3 miles, next Sunday's should be 4 and the Sunday after that should be 5 according to my training plan, getting up to 7 miles (further than the course distance of 6.2) by the week before the race - but I'll try my best.


Jenny said...

I took one step closer to joining the gym today - I looked at it on the internet!! Maybe this week I'll actually go in and ask them about it...

Sarah L said...

Yay! Having a race to work towards is a brilliant, motivating goal! I'm sure you'll love it, and I'm also sure you won't come last! :-)

Chelsi said...

Good for you for doing a 10K! I'm doing one for the first time in March as well, on the 15th. And, funny enough, I'm doing the Runner's World online training program, too!! Are you my long-lost running twin?? Ha ha! My runs are the exact same day as yours, but I get up to 8 miles the last two weeks! Just take the long runs slow and you'll do fine.