Sunday 17 February 2008

My Life is Finished


I thought it was worth commemorating the fact that I have finally finished reading My Life after almost 4 months...

It was probably the longest book I've ever read (960 pages) and in parts it was quite tough going (mainly because I was only reading a couple of pages a night so for the topics he went into in a lot of detail, I felt like I'd been reading about them for ages), but generally I enjoyed it. I learned a lot about things I didn't really know much about before, plus I got to read about Clinton's account of the media frenzy surrounding that incident. It really clouded his presidency and was practically all I remember about it, given that at the time I was in my late teens/early twenties and didn't get that much exposure to politics. The book was obviously only one side of the story, but it seems that Clinton did a lot for the economy and made real progress in foreign policy, and these things (and plenty of others) didn't get the same press attention as other things he did ;-).

All in all, a worthwhile read, but I've got something shorter and less hardcore for my next one.

1 comment:

Jill Fosness said...

Yay! Good for you! I got an email from the library saying my copy of My Life is ready for me to pick up (on Tuesday, since ironically enough, Monday is President's Day). I'm no where near as ambitious as you- I've gone the Book on CD route, meaning instead of 960 pages, I've only got 6 CDs to listen to (and I'm 4 down already).

But you are absolutely right! I've learned so much about both Clintons (be it one side of the story), but it's perhaps sad to admit there was so much I didn't know, and I voted for him- twice!

Next on my Books on CD list: The Audacity of Hope and Living History. A good faith gesture that I think I should know a bit more for this next election ;) Even though I don't actually plan on living here when it's time to vote!