Saturday, 8 March 2008

Bring it on

The race is tomorrow - and for the first weekend in ages they're forecasting sharp showers. Typical. Actually it won't be so bad if it's just raining; it's the wind that makes it more difficult. We'll soon see.

I just want to get the race over and done with now. I'm getting a bit fed up of running - I'll still do it after tomorrow but maybe not as often as three times a week. And I'll start going back to the gym too: for the last couple of weeks, on the days I haven't been running I've either done nothing or just done a few lengths of the pool - and then gone in the steam room on the grounds that it's helping my legs, but really just because I like it ;).


Keri Donald said...

Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great, no matter what the weather!

Jenny Greenwood said...

Good luck Sal!