Friday 21 March 2008

The thing about me and time off work is...

...I always seem to get ill. I haven't had a day off sick in years - because I'm usually off work anyway when I get poorly. The last time I took time off work was when I went to Miami in December, and I got a stinking cold that lasted all the way through to New Year. The day after the Exbury Gardens 10k I started with a sore throat (but better after the race than before) and I managed to keep it at bay while I was in London last week, but this week it really attacked with a vengeance, while I was on holiday. It didn't help that we had all sorts of activities planned, so I didn't really give my body a chance to shake off the illness and it probably lasted longer than it would have if I'd stayed in bed for a day or so.

As if that weren't enough, I added significantly to my injuries and ailments while we were at Center Parcs this past week: my bum is killing me from all the cycling; badminton made my arms and tummy muscles ache, which in turn made it difficult to cough or sneeze; I have a massive bruise on the inside of my left arm from where my bow pinged back while I was practising my target archery...

Despite all these things, we had a great time last week. Our apartment was gorgeous, with its own sauna on the top floor, and we had some good fun doing stuff like tree trekking, spinning, bowling, swimming - and eating out! Plus there are still three more days before I have to go back to work!

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