Saturday 9 August 2008

How to get the edge - Bribery

For the past few weeks I've been looking through endless websites and brochures for potential venues for our wedding reception. We originally decided to get married in the Lake District but for various reasons (not least of which was that it's 300 miles away and would be difficult to organise) we changed our minds and will be getting married in Winchester.

The church only needs 3 weeks' notice of the wedding date. However, the same cannot be said of the hotels in the area... I've looked at loads of websites, requested 10 or so brochures and visited half a dozen venues and now have a shortlist of three. But the one that's currently slightly in front is the one that left this on the bed of one of the rooms I was shown: -

This one will probably turn out to be more expensive, though, so we'll have to do a quick calculation of roughly how much we think each one will cost, then this weekend, once Rob has been to see the two he hasn't seen yet, we can decide which one to choose. We have provisional dates booked at all three, so depending on the one we go for, the wedding date will be 13 June, 20 June or 25 July 2009. Watch this space...


Jenny Greenwood said...

Well that gives me 10 months at least and I've had one good day of food and exercise today so I might make it into a bridesmaid dress by then...

Keri Donald said...

How exciting!!!! I can't wait to hear all the details as you continue your planning!

Jill Fosness said...

That is so exciting!! Can't wait to hear more about your planning!!