Friday, 30 January 2009


I probably dream about 3 or 4 times a week - those that I remember, anyway. The vast majority (more than 90%) of my dreams follow the same pattern: I'm trying to do something or to go somewhere but things are stopping me. Last night, for example, having spent most of yesterday packing Rob's suitcase for him to take to Sudan, I dreamed that I was in a hotel packing to go home but people kept distracting me, turning a half-hour job into a considerably longer one, and making me very frustrated that I couldn't just get the task done.

The night before my last day at work, I dreamed that I had to get up, have a shower and go to work, but the shower was in the middle of the village green in front of my parents' house and I had to keep running back and forth to their house to get shampoo, etc. Then the water ran out, then one of the dozens of people watching a play on the village green inadvertently stole my towel, so the simple act of having a shower took ages, and again, caused me to get very frustrated. So much so that in this dream I was actually screaming, with tears running down my cheeks. It wasn't the act of being able to have a shower that made me so upset, it was the fact that the task I was trying to do, however trivial, was made so much harder by people or circumstances thwarting me at every turn.

As a 30-something with two degrees and no job, do you think my dreams mean I'm not fulfilling my true potential? ;)

Actually I've been having these dreams for years, not just since I've had no job, but I seriously wonder if my dreams do mean something. I'm not really one for interpreting dreams; I think it's mostly a load of rubbish, but the fact that I have the same dream over and over, and just the context changes, does get me thinking. Although I'm not nearly bored enough in my new role to do anything about it yet!

What do you think?

1 comment:

Julia said...

Hilarious! I love the bit about having a shower on The Green!

When I read the first two sentences, I thought that's exactly how my dreams are - always trying to do something, and never finishing, because things keep diverting me from the task in hand. Very frustrating!

I was going to say that the fact that you have no job to go with your 2 degrees was your choice, and you can also choose to change that situation whenever you want, but that sounds a bit like lecturing you, so I won't do it.
You're obviously not unhappy with the situation.

And yes, you have bags of potential - ask anyone!!