Sunday, 21 June 2009

Here Comes the Bride...

[NB: No, it's not the day after the wedding. It's actually 4 weeks after the wedding, but I'm going to post entries to roughly the correct day because... well, because it's my blog and I can do what I like with it.]

We had such an amazing day yesterday; the atmosphere was relatively relaxed and informal, which is what I wanted, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. We'd decided to memorise our vows, instead of repeating them after the vicar, and we almost managed it: Rob got a couple of phrases the wrong way round, and I struggled to finish my vows as I started crying, but we got there in the end ;).

The whole day was just great - the ceremony, the food, the speeches, the band, all brilliant. Here are a few of my favourite photos: -

You can see these and more pictures here. They're an amalgamation of the photos taken by guests at the wedding. The photographer has also put his photos online - if you haven't seen them and would like to, leave a comment or e-mail me and I'll send you the URL, username and password.

Now for three weeks of honeymoon :).

1 comment:

Keri Donald said...

I want to see the pics! :)