I've just finished reading 'Harry Potter e la Pietra Filosofale' which, as you've no doubt guessed, is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (or Sorcerer's Stone in the US; apparently you don't know what a Philosopher is so they changed the title???), the first book in the Harry Potter series, translated into Italian. My sister was in Milan last November, visiting a friend. She figured as I've read the English books and know the story, this would be a good way to keep up with my Italian, seeing as I'm always complaining about how little I use it these days and how much I've forgotten since I graduated in 1999 with a languages degree. It took me a long time to get through it - I started it mid-March - but then I only read about 6 pages a night because that's usually all I can manage before I fall asleep, and that's the same whether the book's in Italian or English. But despite the fact that it took me two months to finish a book that I've already read twice, I really enjoyed it - plus I learned loads of new words. I now know the Italian for cauldron, magic wand, owl, broomstick and spell, not to mention Muggle, Quidditch and Golden Snitch... I think they'll come in really handy. Roll on 'Harry Potter e la Camera dei Segreti'!
Wow! Molto Bene!!!
I started reading "Son of a Witch" (the follow-up to "Wicked") on our babymoon and got through all but about 60 pages during the trip, and now I'm doing good to get in 5-6 pages/night because of the whole falling asleep thing too. :)
Ciao Sal! Nice work with the Italian. I still use mine a little bit at work but can't really string a sentence together these days. Am in London at the mo until 19th May. Just read you are going to become a southern softie! Nice work. Hope you are well xxx
By the way. I realise that says anonymous. But it's me, nat. D'oh!
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