Rob bought a new car last month - a BMW 318; he's picking it up on 23 May. He has very kindly given me his car, a 6-year-old Peugeot 206, so I have sold my car, a 10-year-old Peugeot 106. There are lots of things I love about my little car, like the fact that it's a 5-door (Rob's is only 3) and it does 55 miles to the gallon. But there are also things I definitely won't miss about it - like the amount of

noise it makes (it's a diesel, and not one of those new, super-quiet diesels either - it sounds like a tank) and the fact that there is no power steering, making a 3-point turn a better workout for my arms than 50 bicep curls. But to say it cost me nothing (thanks Mum!) and I've had it for 5 years, it has served me very well. Plus the road tax and MOT are both due at the end of this month, and it needs a service soon, so that's £250 that I don't need to spend on it in the next few weeks...
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