Tuesday, 1 May 2007

A Night at the Opera (well, the theatre actually)

My sister Jenny came to stay last weekend. We met up with Catherine, a friend of mine, and went to the Palace Theatre in Manchester to see The Producers, starring John Gordon Sinclair as Leo Bloom, Cory English as Max Bialystock and the brilliant Peter Kay as Roger DeBris.

I had an idea of the story before I saw it, although I hadn't seen the film (had been warned off it). I thoroughly enjoyed it - very funny, but I think this particular run of the show gets more laughs than others simply because Mr Kay is in the cast; he kept coming out of character and reverting to his Bolton accent, which just made it even funnier. I have to say, I think the ending is only OK, but the show is definitely worth a watch if you haven't seen it. All three of the guys mentioned above were excellent.

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