This weekend it was the turn of Helen, Dave and Sam, who travelled down from Merseyside to see us, which was very good of them. They arrived late Friday night with the hope that Sam, who's now nearly 15 months old and had slept all the way down in the car, would go straight back to sleep as soon as Dave had set up his cot. Of course, that didn't happen, so we spent a good half hour or so watching him run round the house chasing a balloon. I had done some preparation for having a toddler in the house, but I didn't realise that absolutely everything that isn't nailed down needs to be at least 3 feet off the ground! Sam was really good all weekend (even though Helen

said he's usually better than he was) and only had a couple of 'moments', which to be honest weren't even moments because he was so cute when he had them, it was hard not to smile. We went to the restaurant at the gym where they have a ball pool, fed the ducks in the pond next to our house, and generally had a fairly relaxing weekend. Plus Rob and I got some insight into just how much work it is having a toddler around!
Re your last sentence. It doesn't have to be such hard work! I don't remember having to 'nail anything down' when you were that age, or having to send out early warning signals to people we visited. Perhaps it's easier with girls - if that's not a sexist statement!
Point taken, Mum. But I see your game here, and I'm wise to it - you're not going to convince me to make you a grandmother any time soon!!! :)
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