Thursday 6 September 2007

Slowly but surely...

Just a quick one before I leave for work to say that I did not feel like exercising this morning, but seeing as I took yesterday off I didn't want to give it a miss two days in a row. I went for a run and am very pleased to say that I knocked a full minute off my 3.5km time. I still don't run fast - professional women run at least twice as far as I do in the same time - but little by little I'm getting faster and finding it easier. I'm going to increase to 4km next week.


Sarah L said...

It's not the speed that counts anyway - it's getting out there and trying! I don't think even cheetah's are as fast as those elite women, so I wouldn't worry about that! It's the hardest thing dragging yourself out when you don't feel like it - but how chuffed must you have been to have gone faster than ever before! V well done

Jenny said...

Just remember that comment from Sarah next's not the speed that counts!