Monday, 25 February 2008

Stitch, Cramp and Wind

These were the three things that made my 7-mile run more difficult yesterday morning. Not my wind, you understand... it was windy.

I got a stitch about 2 miles into my run. I've developed a stitch every time I've run 4 miles or more, and each time I resolve to look up how to get rid of them when I get home, then I forget until the next time I go running and get another stitch... I tried running it off, but it was so painful that I stopped at around 3 miles for about a minute until it eased off a bit. It didn't go away the entire run, but at least it wasn't quite so painful after that.

Then at about 5.5 miles I got cramp in my left toes. I usually walk around for a while to get rid of cramp, and running around clearly wasn't helping, so I had to stop again for a minute.

Plus, it was really windy! I'm sure the wind direction changed halfway round as well, so that I was always running into it...

Anticipating that my legs would feel awful today (and they did), I booked a massage for this lunchtime. Oooh it was fantastic!


Jenny Greenwood said...

very proud of you but where's the mention of how lovely a weekend you had with me...?

Keri Donald said...

To get rid of a stitch breathe out one HUGE breathe like you are trying to get every single little bit of air out of your lungs (VERY forcefully), then breathe back in VERY, VERY slowly in one VERY SLOW long breath. Repeat until the stitch is gone. The breathing in slowly (VERY slowly) part is hard when you're breathing heavy from running, but you have to make yourself do it. :)

Awesome that you ran that much though! Good girl!

Chelsi said...

Keri's advice sounds good - I was just going to comment about your breathing. You are probably breathing too shallow during your runs and not getting enough air. Keep with it and try to concentrate on slowing down your breathing during the long runs...

Also, for the longer runs, your pace really should be slower than your 5K pace, because you are concentrating on distance and not time.... not sure if you are doing this, but it helps me with training...