Yesterday wasn't a great day, but today has been better so far. Friday night I woke up every time I rolled over, and was so sick of it yesterday morning by about the 15th time that I just got up - it was 06:15, so not too much earlier than my usual getting-up time - but earlier than my usual Saturday getting-up time. I mentioned in my last post that I was told to keep walking on it every so often to stop everything from seizing up: well, after being horizontal for 9 hours it had seized up pretty badly, and the pain was appalling when I tried to stand up. This started a vicious circle of not wanting to stand on it because it hurt so much, thereby making it longer since I'd walked on it and more painful the next time I tried. In the end I fell asleep on the sofa for a couple of hours and then made a concerted effort to walk on it when I woke up again. I also spent much of yesterday with my foot in a washing-up bowl full of cold water, which has helped a little bit with the swelling.

I took a picture of my feet yesterday morning, and I just know that you're desperate to see it, so here it is. As you can see, my left foot and ankle - even my toes - are quite swollen, and during the course of the day yesterday, the bruising really started to come through, so now the outside of my foot, my toes, the inside of my ankle and up the outside of my lower leg are all a lovely purple colour. But where's the picture, I hear you ask? Of course I wouldn't deny you such a beautiful sight, so here

it is, taken this morning. I wasn't woken up so often last night, and it took less time to get going this morning, so that's a good sign. Rob brought one of our walking sticks down from upstairs yesterday to help me get about - my arm muscles were killing me from holding on to doors, tables, counter tops, stair rails etc while walking round - but I haven't needed it all the time today; just for the first few steps until I get going.
Being unable to get about has meant that I spent most of yesterday finishing off two embroideries that I've got on the go at the moment. I'll post pictures of them once they're framed.
It looks like this weekend is accident weekend. Rob and Ben went out for a ride this morning and Ben ended up in a hedge at the side of the road after swerving to avoid a car coming towards him on his side of the road. He's OK, barring a few nettle stings, but his bike was fairly badly damaged. Rob called me, and because I'm in no position to drive at the moment, I called Adrian to go and pick them up, but he wasn't in. They then called Andy, but there was no answer at his house either, so Rob rode 15 miles home and drove his car back to where Ben was, then they took his bike straight round to the shop to get it repaired. The car driver was a woman, just like mine was on Friday, but unlike my accident, she didn't stop. Just adding fuel to the 'women are bad drivers' fire...
Thanks to everyone who commented, e-mailed or phoned - I really appreciate your concern.
Oh Sally! That looks horrible! Thank God that's the only injury you had though! Here's to a super-speedy recovery!
OUch! That really does look bad! I hope you get a better night tonight and the pain gets better soon!
Your feet were always too thin anyway, but there are limits!
Could have posted you your crutches, if you'd said. Still can, I suppose!
Don't try to do too much too quickly, and don't feel guilty about taking a few days off.
I'm beginning to get a bad feeling about this cycling lark, after reading about Ben as well....
That does look pretty bad :( I hope you heal up really soon!!!
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