Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Countdown: 4 Days To Go

Today's schedule looks like this: -
  • PT Session at 11:00. I usually have my sessions on Wednesday or Thursdays, and in fact this week Ben offered me 09:00 on Friday, but I didn't want to run the risk of not being able to walk properly on Saturday so I opted for an earlier than usual session to give my muscles time to recover :)
  • Spa treatments at 13:00. The hotel is giving us two free treatments as part of the wedding package, so Jen and I are taking them today;
  • A quick trip to Eastleigh this afternoon to check out some shoes Jen has seen;
  • A final session on the $£*!@%& very beautiful and yet not at all difficult-to-make Orders of Service - only 30 more to go!


Keri Donald said...

I love your countdowns! :)

Since we aren't going to be able to make it to the wedding, be sure to snap a picture of your beautiful Order of Service so that I can see what you've been spending so much time on! And, if you have time, maybe you could send me a sneak peek of it before the wedding? :)

Andrew said...

Looking forward to weekend!! Hopefully get my camera back from repairs before then!