Friday, 6 June 2008

I hoped I'd make it at least a week...

... before suffering any significant injury on the bike. Sadly, that was not to be: As I was cycling to work this morning I got hit by a car.

I was only about a mile from home, riding along a main road through a traffic-light-controlled junction, which was on green when I rode past the lights but which turned to amber just after I rode through. The junction is quite long, and I remember thinking that because I was slower than a car, by the time I rode past the minor road on the left-hand side, the lights could well be on green for traffic to come out of that road and onto the road I was on. A woman came down that road, slowed down when the lights were red but because they turned to green before she'd stopped, she accelerated and turned right, just as I was riding past. If I had had another second to realise what was about to happen, I could probably have cycled faster and she would have missed me, but unfortunately I didn't have that second and the nearside front corner of her car hit my back wheel and sent me flying a couple of feet through the air.

I landed on my hands and knees, facing the direction I'd come from, and was immediately aware that I had cramp in my left toes. The woman got out of her car and came over to me as I was trying to shake out my cramp. It wasn't until I got rid of it that I realised my legs had turned to jelly and my left ankle was killing me. It took a little while for me to get enough feeling back in my legs to hobble to the side of the road and sit down. The woman called Rob - who had originally planned to do a long ride this morning, but then decided a few minutes extra in bed were preferable, otherwise he might not have been in - and he put the bike rack in the car and came to pick me up. The bike didn't seem to be damaged, other than a few scratches on the pedals etc.

We drove home and took the bike off the car, then we went to the hospital for some x-rays to make sure nothing was broken. I've heard people say that a sprain hurts more than a break, and my ankle was hurting like hell, so I hoped that was a good sign. Turns out I didn't break anything, but I tore the ligaments in my ankle pretty badly. I have to do the usual - rest, ice, compression, elevation - but make sure to keep exercising it so it doesn't seize up too much. When I stand on it after sitting down for a while, it really hurts for the first couple of minutes but then eases off after that.

I've felt quite emotional all day - anyone who knows me will tell you I'm a crier. I didn't cry when it happened, but I bawled while I was sitting in the car and Rob was putting the bike on the rack, then I cried when I got home, then when I told the triage nurse what happened, then I welled up a couple of times while I was waiting for a doctor to check my x-rays, then I got home and read Ben's post about what happened and cried again, then again when my Mum called to find out if I was OK, and a couple more times throughout the afternoon. I keep saying to people that I should just go upstairs and cry myself out, to get it out of my system, but I haven't done it yet. The cleaner came round this afternoon and I didn't think it would be a good look to be sobbing uncontrollably while she was here!

The doctor says it will be a week to 10 days before it will start feeling right again, but as soon as it does, I'll be back on the bike.


Jill Fosness said...

Oh my goodness!! Yikes! I'm so glad to hear you're OK, but wow- that is terrifying!! Crazy SH drivers I tell ya! Take it easy this weekend, cry all you like, and let Rob wait on you hand-and-sore-ankle...

Keri Donald said...

Poor Sally! I can't imagine how much that must have shaken you! Glad to hear that you haven't suffered any permanent damage!

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. And I'm with Jill... let Rob take care of you for a few days!

Paul said...

We were all so glad to hear you were OK... well, OK given some of the alternatives anyway!

I'd have to disagree about letting Rob look after you though - I'd hate to think of you starving while he's lost in coding ;)

memento said...

Oh my god Sally! I am glad you are not hurt too badly, but I can imagine you must have been quite shocked! Take good care of yourself, and get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Ouch. Get well soon Sally.

Do post a follow up post about the state of care in the National Rob Trust ;)

As for the accident, well... thank goodness it wasn't so much worse. Check this ouchtastic kerrrrash out.
