Sunday 12 October 2008

Here Come the Girls

Two of my favourite girls have had a tough weekend, but both have seen great results at the end of it.

Sarah ran the Chicago marathon today in ridiculously difficult conditions, akin to those at the 2007 London Marathon - where 5,000 people needed medical treatment. In Sarah's own words, 'Hardest race of my life bar none. I struggled from mile 3 and nearly dropped out at mile 11. I can't believe I even made it to the end! Don't remember last mile. Apparently two men helped me cross the line and I collapsed, fitting. Don't remember anything until dunked into ice bath in medical tent. 2 liters of saline drip later and I was finally compus mentus enough to stop watch. 4.12. What did I actually do please?'

Well, she did an absolutely fantastic 3:37:58, in appalling conditions. Well done Sarah! That's two of the World Marathon Majors (Chicago and Berlin) ticked off the list; just three (New York, Boston & London) to go now!

Nikki, on the other hand, was fighting a different kind of battle. After a 36-hour labour, Evie was born on Saturday morning. In Nikki's own words, 'Blimey that hurt!'

Congratulations Nikki & Will!

1 comment:

Sarah L said...

Thanks Sally - only just managing to catch up with the real world again. That really was some experienec - thank good ness I only had 3.37 minutes of it - I imagine labour is far more difficult! xxx